Fighting the Good Fight of Faith 
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Ironclad Clay - Part 1 Ironclad Clay - Part 1 is a spiritually progressive study taking characters from Old as well as New Testament stories. I pray it will give help in comfort in the spiritual battle.

Ironclad Clay - Part 1

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Ironclad Clay - Part 1 is a spiritually progressive study taking characters from Old as well as New Testament stories. I pray it will give help in comfort in the spiritual battle.

Product Detail:

Ironclad Clay - Part 1 is a spiritually progressive study taking characters from Old as well as New Testament stories. Chapter 1 starts out in Luke chapter 10 and the story of the Good Samaritan and its correlation with the Great Commission. Then chapter 2 goes to the next study in the potters house of Jeremiah 18. Then chapters 3,4,and 5 is a character study on the prophet Elijah. Then chapter 6 is a study on man and his main problem which is sin and his sin nature. It gives remedies in battling temptation. Chapter 7 is a study on the perfect man the Lord Jesus Christ. Chapter 8, The number 8 is the number of new beginnings. And it is the love story between Boaz and Ruth. We  also see a spiritual correlation between the love of Christ for his bride "The Church" Chapter 9 is a study on the 9 fruits of the Spirit in Galatians chapter 5. Then in chapter 10 is a study on the 10 commandments and its modern day application. Then the crowning chapter which is chapter 11.  And 11 is the number of instruction and it closes with a study on the "Armor of God". This chapter covers the 7 pieces of armor. I have at times called it my "Spiritual Hodgepodge ". But it comes into perfect order before being finished. And I hope it will give help in comfort in the spiritual battle.

Juniper Tree Publishers